We understand that finding a job is likely going to be one of your first priorities when you move to Canada.
When you live in the Bay of Quinte region, you have many job sectors to choose from including industrial, manufacturing, agriculture, retail, construction, finance, health, education and services including the hotel and restaurant industries.
This is also a terrific place to start a new business. We have several local resources and a variety of location options to help new business owners get started and find success including Trenval and the Small Business Centre.
Average Wages in the Bay of Quinte Region
(source: living.bayofquinte.ca)
Management Business, Finance and Administration: $17.66
Health Services: $22.73
Sales & Services: $11.74
Trades, Transport, and Equipment Operators: $20.87
Primary Industry: $12.45
Processing, Manufacturing, and Utilities: $15.68
Related Links:
Settlement.org - Employment Information
Prince Edward/Lennox & Addington Community Futures Development Corporation (PELA CFDC)